The Human Vitality and Resilience Center (HVRC) was founded with the goal of empowering people to create a life of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual vitality and well-being and enduring resilience, not only to face and overcome the challenges of life, but to flourish and thrive as a result of them. Through intentional effort to build our resilience and vitality, we activate heart-centered courage, find determination by acting with hope, and elevate ourselves and others through the nobility of respect and dignity.
The HVRC program has real-life applications which enable participants to take greater control of their lives and health. In this program, you will be exposed to a diverse array of resilience and well-being topics and techniques. HVRC’s programs are based on solid scientific research, and help participants experience, explore and develop the many factors which contribute to vitality, resilience and well-being, such as optimism, social support, gratitude, compassion, joy, altruism, and purpose. We discover how to train our brains to overcome our bias toward negativity, how to access the intelligence of our hearts for guidance, and how to use the heart-brain connection to increase our vitality and resilience.
We recognize and celebrate individual differences and preferences, and give you the freedom to discover and explore what works for you. We do not avoid negative emotions and adversity, but rather provide the tools for individuals to embrace these challenges in order to learn and grow from them. We also engage leaders and those who wish to become leaders to promote resilience and well-being practices for themselves and those they lead.
We believe that human vitality and resilience requires a healthy environment that is able to nurture us and helps us to thrive. We also believe that human vitality requires vibrant democratic systems where people feel free to express themselves and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
HVRC is committed to the goal put forth by George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being to bring about the flourishing of 51% of the world’s population by 2051.